Dr. Issa Al-Masarwa, HPC Secretary-General, met on Saturday January 13th, 2024 with Dr. Fayez Basbous Al-Dawayma, Secretary General of the National Coalition Party NCP and a number of party members. Attending the meeting held specifically to review and discuss the current demographic scene in Jordan were also the following dignitaries: Qassem Al-Batoush, First Deputy Secretary-General; Mrs. Tha’era Basbous, Deputy Secretary-General for Women’s Affairs; Dr. Nazzal Al-Armouti, Deputy Secretary-General for Teachers and Professionals; Ghaleb Al-Sarayrah, Deputy Secretary-General of the Tribes/Political Bureau member; Dr. Adnan Abbas, Chairman of the Palestine Committee/ member of Political Bureau; Hussein Abu Khadra, Social Affairs Committee/ member; members of Political Bureau Dr. Is-haq Al-Mallad, Muhammad Al-Shabatat and Adnan Al-Saudi, and Central Council Members Saleh Abu Khadra, Walid Hussein, Majdi Obaidat, Naji Abdel Ghani, Mahmoud Abbas, Muhannad Abu Hashish and Islam Abu Al-Dabaat.
During the meeting, Dr. Masarwa, HPC Secretary General, gave a presentation on the current demographic and family scene in Jordan and its current and expected effects on all Jordanian sectors and needs. Dr. Masarwa pointed out the importance of efforts put into the political arena through the parties, in addition to the importance of the role of the parties in achieving comprehensive national development. HPC anticipates and has faith that the parties will include within their programs the development challenges related to the demographic situation. Therein, The higher Population Council acknowledges the important role of the programs that the parties will put forward in preparation for their participation in the upcoming elections, and their endeavour to establish democratic political action grounded on the strategic priorities of Jordan and based on digital evidence and a wide spectrum of citizen participation through civil society institutions, especially political parties.
On his part, Dr. Fayez Basbous Al-Dawayma, Secretary General of the Jordanian National Coalition Party, highlighted the importance of the initiative taken by HPC to hold meetings with parties with the aim of giving attention to national demographic issues. Dr. Dawayma pointed out the value of cooperation and coordination between political parties, government and civil society institutions to exchange experiences and shed light on issues related to society and citizens to achieve a fully integrated national program that serves the interest of everyone. Dr. Dawayma valued the importance of the role played by HPC which should be looked upon as a road map to the demographics of the population.
During the meeting, Dr. Masarwa was there to address and respond to all questions and inquiries of the attendees.
This meeting comes within the action plan of the Higher Population Council 2024, which includes holding meetings with Jordanian political parties to review the demographic scene in Jordan and discuss ways to address any relevant challenges. Through these dialogue meetings, HPC seeks to keep the political parties well informed of the recent and expected demographic changes in Jordan and their impact on all social, economic and environmental sectors and needs in fulfilment of the royal vision which calls for communication, coordination and cooperation between governmental and civil institutions.